This is 2020 all over, just a slightly different variation. Knowing that they can’t get away with the exact same playbook they used to steal the 2020 election, the Dems have a modified version.

The polls show what everyone knows. Biden (a step above plant life) isn’t going to get enough morons to vote for him. Therefore they have to fix the results as they did in 2020.

The GOP isn’t going to allow the same election night vote counting tricks again. The DEMS are going to use AI and the usual media and govt. apparatus to gaslight the results and say Joey B. won. Will people believe it?

That is where the predetermined fix convictions on all 34 counts, comes in. Anyone with a brain knows(just like what happened with the election night vote count shutdown in 2020) it was a farce. However it gives cover and a false sense of legitimacy, that people “held their nose” and voted for Biden because Trump is a “convicted criminal.”

Let’s hope I am wrong and they don’t get away with it again. The survival of the Constitutional Republic depends on it.