Bill Gates has a long history of investing in mRNA technology and firms active in this sphere. But would these investments have been possible without U.S. government — or taxpayer — support of mRNA research?

Bill Gates has a long history of investing in mRNA technology and firms active in this sphere. But would these investments have been possible without U.S. government — or taxpayer — support of mRNA research?

According to Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive with 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical research and development, Gates’ investments in the mRNA field — and the profits he has reaped — were made possible by U.S. government and military funding of bioweapons research.

Latypova told The Defender that “mRNA is entirely funded and pushed on the market under military contracts and funding. It is represented as ‘defensive’ activity in order to skirt the Bioweapons Convention, which prohibits making offensive bioweapons.”“The Pentagon came up with the cover story of ‘pandemic preparedness’ in order to fund on a large scale the making of biological poisons and related systems, including making them at scale.”

“Those punishments might include withholding of food and water. There are some among us who believe that humans should be tagged, as some animals are.”


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Researchers at Gingko Bioworks, a biotech firm also backed by Gates, have floated mRNA injections as a measure to mitigate the impact of global warming. The World Economic Forum has also expressed support for climate vaccines.