The Trudeau government appears to be doing everything it can to diminish the value of Canadian citizenship. After announcing they would extend birthright citizenship to two generations born out of Canada, the government is now looking at extending citizenship to people who are in the country illegally.

According to The Globe and Mail , Immigration Minister Marc Miller is preparing a proposal for cabinet to consider how to “provide a path to citizenship” for people in the country illegally. This would include failed asylum seekers who were ordered deported but didn’t leave, international students who have overstayed their visas or those who entered on tourist visas and simply never left.

On the issue of extending birthright citizenship, the Liberals made it sound like they had no choice, blaming a court decision last December. The truth is, it was a lower court ruling they didn’t appeal because as they stated clearly in their news release they liked it.

The only question left is how far will the Liberals go in terms of devaluing what it means to be Canadian?