New lab experiments with milk from cows infected by H5N1 influenza, known as bird flu, confirm that it is infectious, especially when left raw, or untreated, and potentially even when flash pasteurized.

The researchers, from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, are part of a federally funded program called the Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response, or CEIRR. This network has been conducting rapid research to answer pressing questions in the H5N1 outbreak in dairy cattle.

In a research letter posted online on Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers describe the results of experiments using milk from four infected cows — two from New Mexico and two from Kansas.

Because H5N1 virus is considered a select agent, it was handled in a high-security Biosafety Level 3 lab at the University of Wisconsin, using strict safety protocols. First, they confirmed the raw milk was chock-full of H5N1 virus.  Then, they stored some of the raw milk at refrigerator temperature to see if levels of the virus in milk would drop off over time.  Over 5 weeks, viral levels in raw milk dropped a bit, but not much.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the risk to the general public is low, but people should not eat or drink raw milk or products made from it.


WHO Pandemic Treaty decision starts this weekend ……. expect ongoing fearmongering as final decision approaches!