From Jeffery Tucker via the Epoch times and Jeff Childers

It is, perhaps, a sign of the times that the Epoch Times published a wildly conspiratorial op-ed by intellectual, prolific writer, and Brownstone Institute director Jeffrey Tucker, headlined “The Great Pandemic Walkback.”

The piece began innocently enough, and regular readers will find nothing new in Jeffrey’s recital of recent narrative-bending events. It began by listing the tardy recognition of vaccine harms by former CDC Director Redfield and former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, former Governor Andrew Cuomo hilariously insistence all his pandemic orders were purely voluntary, and the startling recent Congressional testimony of former NIH Director Francis Collins who, when pressed, admitted that he knew of no science supporting covid’s laughable six-foot-distancing rule.

Jeffrey’s point was that these former officials, having fled official offices and now innocently garbed in civilian clothing, comprise the undercover scouting party for what the author called The Great Pandemic Walkback. Having decamped from their high offices and infiltrated We the People, it’s their job to map out the mental battlefield for winning a glorious new war to restore trust in the so-called institutions that chucked us into the woodchipper at the first sign of trouble.

I’m paraphrasing Jeffrey’s eloquent enumeration of notorious pandemic sins, but you get the idea. Three-quarters of the way through the article, it seemed like another poignant update on the slowly liquifying covid narrative, and then Jeffrey dropped his conspiracy bomb, a theory not quite described in this way anywhere before, a theory that elegantly connects a lot of dots and therefore becomes a fine candidate for a working hypothesis.

Jeffrey Tucker — prominently featured by Epoch — thinks the whole pandemic was a deadly, unimaginably expensive, wasteful, ill-considered put-up job. The government’s desperate goal was to lock us down, mask us up, and keep us separated to “flatten the curve” for one reason and one reason only: to keep us from catching covid and developing antibodies long enough that the mRNA vaccine technologies would have fresh immune systems to do their work on:

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He even squeezed mail-in ballots in there. In other words, Jeffery argued that the government’s goal was the reverse opposite of what it claimed. It wanted to stop herd immunity, to interrupt nature and give pharma a chance.

I might be overselling it, but this delightful op-ed seemed to show the covid conversation has moved to a new, more honest level. True, it’s in Epoch, not the New York Times, but Jeffrey’s screed included everything they tried to suppress for years. And he’s still alive. At minimum, the op-ed shows we can at least talk about it now.

At the end of the day, who knows how much of the pandemic disaster was malevolence rather than arrogant incompetence, but it’s a conversation we must have. I can’t wait to see what comes next.