A farmworker who had regular exposure to infected livestock recovered from mild symptoms. At least 51 herds in nine states have reported infections.

“The current health risk to the general public remains low,” Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, Michigan’s chief medical executive, said in a news release. “We have not seen signs of sustained human-to-human transmission at this point. This is exactly how public health is meant to work, in early detection and monitoring of new and emerging illnesses.”

Shah asked state and local health authorities in a call Tuesday to continue monitoring for flu “at enhanced levels” throughout the summer, even though the typical flu season is over and testing for the virus falls to a minimum at this time of year.

WHO Pandemic Treaty decision this coming weekend!



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REMINDER — H5N1: Truth Over Fearporn – Dr. Robert Malone — https://goldtadise.com/?p=620646