Trans activists claim that their movement is about tolerance. The reality, however, is that the rights—and safety—of women and girls are being sacrificed to pander to the mental illnesses of men.

As Rowling noted: “Asking a woman to refer to her male rapist or violent assaulter as ‘she’ in court is a form of state-sanctioned abuse. Female victims of male violence are further traumatised by being forced to speak a lie.” Indeed, forcing a woman to refer to the man who abused and raped her as ‘she’ seems a particularly grotesque form of gaslighting.

As I noted at the time, the phenomenon of sexual assault victims being forced to refer to their abusers as female is an almost unique form of cruelty—and yet, press story after press story reveals that this cruelty is still occurring. A heartbreaking story in The Sun titled “My male rapist claimed to be a woman so cops, lawyers & judge all called him she – it’s unfair, only men can commit rape” by Julie Bindel is particularly harrowing.