“This virus, like all viruses, is mutating. We need to continue to prepare for the possibility that it might jump to humans,”

The influenza, also known as the bird flu or H5N1, has recently started spreading among cattle and other species. One person in Texas has had a confirmed case this year.

“The real worry is that it will jump to the human lungs, where, when that has happened in other parts of the world for brief outbreaks, the mortality rates have been 25 percent,” Dr. Califf said. The worry is based in part on how viruses typically mutate, such as in the case of COVID-19.

While the risk is still low, “if we institute the countermeasures now and reduce the spread of the virus now, then we’re much less likely to see a mutation that jumps to humans for which we’re ill-prepared,” Dr. Califf added.



Stanford is hyping Bird Flu as next pandemic threat.

This virus has the potential to seriously disrupt our agricultural supplies and also jump from other mammals to humans and become an epidemic or even a pandemic.



Every day a new “expert” spreads the message of fear and urgency as the push towards a new “gene modification injection” intensifies. Governments have already bought millions of doses “just in case”. Will citizens blindly follow instructions the same way as they did for COVID?