Products of Last-Minute, Secret Negotiations Must Not be Approved

The World Health Organization announced on Friday that its negotiators had failed to achieve agreement on a final draft of the proposed Pandemic Response Accord by the declared May 10 deadline. The announcement prompted some to believe that the treaty was “dead” and no longer likely to be approved at the upcoming meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) from May 27 to June 1. Not so.

Before the day was out, the WHO clarified that the deadline had been extended for a further two weeks to continue formal and informal negotiations. In other words, the effort to buy support from various nations will be redoubled behind closed doors. It remains to be seen if any of the disagreements that have precluded the completion of a Pandemic Treaty to date will be resolved in time for the upcoming World Health Assembly meeting through such secretive and corrupt wheeling and dealing.

What is already clear, however, is that the extension of the negotiation’s deadline will have the practical effect of all but eliminating any opportunity for nations to review, analyze, and debate the final text before it is rubber-stamped by the WHA.

The same game will likely be played with the other WHO treaty now in the works. It would amend existing International Health Regulations for the same purpose as the Pandemic Treaty: transforming the WHO’s Director General into a global health dictator. Negotiators haven’t finished that text, either. They are supposed to meet for that purpose on May 16-17.

This sort of diplomatic bait-and-switch is necessary because only by subterfuge and deception can the “global governance” these treaties are intended to create be imposed on the American people.