Similar to the Antisemitism Awareness Act just passed by the U.S. House, Canada is currently debating its own bill that critics warn could see Christians punished for quoting the Bible.

“I call this bill the?‘Closet the Christians Bill,’?because that is exactly what it intends to do – put Christians in the closet. Under threat of jail-time, it will silence believers who oppose the woke ideology that is overrunning our country,” observed Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Campaigns Manager David Cooke in a recent blog regarding Canadian Bill C-367, a proposed law that mirrors much of what was just passed by the House of Representatives in the U.S.

Bill C-367 was tabled by Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet?last year in the House of Commons. The bill aims to eliminate allowances for one’s religion to be used as a defense against “hate speech” charges because of a rise in anti-Israel protests in Canada. “We can fear that these acts were encouraged by an exception in the Criminal Code,”