Most readers in the Goldtent may know that the CIA has captured the USA. They run the Shadow Govt and the Deep State. This is not new info.

The Administrative State never changes. The Executive branch is just a puppet, Congress has been bought and paid for with the defence industry operating plants in every state thus the need for forever war. It operates in the background. The Shadow Govt has been funded by the Drug Trade in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other asian countries. The War on Drugs was a clandestine operation. The BCCI (The Bank of Credit and Commerce) in Pakistan was the conduit for the flow of
of $billions.

Remember the Conspiracy regarding the White envelopes given to the former Presidents at former Pres. George H W Bush’s funeral. Trump did not receive one. Trump knew and likely put them on notice.

This is a long read. Much of what this author reports on has been exposed by other investigative journalists over the decades.

Unless the Intelligence Community is dissolved, the US will never be free from forever wars.