From JC

2024 just got slightly more bizarre, dramatically revealing yet another flabbergasting bingo square that nobody saw coming. ABC News ran a serendipitous story yesterday headlined, “Michael Cohen is cashing in on the Trump trial with TikTok livestreams — and it could be a problem.” Yes, it could. It could be a problem for Trump’s enemies, that is. The problem is this ridiculous buffoon:

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney who turned out to be a criminal, a ‘criminal lawyer,’ if you will, had apparently agreed to Alvin Bragg’s increasingly desperate requests to please stop tweeting about the trial. Last week, Michael satisfied Bragg’s anxious prosecutors by tweeting to his 620,000 followers, “see you in a month (or more).”

Then, the ever-dependable Michael broke his promise by immediately firing up a new account on TikTok talking about, you guessed it, Donald Trump. Hey, the slippery lawyer never actually said he wouldn’t talk about the trial on TikTok. After all, TikTok isn’t “my X account” or “the Mea Culpa Podcast” either.

Every night since, Michael has been mugging for tips from deranged democrats on his TikTok channel, where he’s mostly yammering about the Trump Trial and yipping about how much he hates President Trump.

It’s a gift to Trump’s lawyers. They are probably turning somersaults.

All of Michael’s TikTocking is fair game for trial. It can all be played to the jury, to show how Michael is making money off hating President Trump. It’s practically become his entire career. Some jurors may be sufficiently TDS-inflicted to agree with the disgraced lawyer, but by ABC’s description, Michael’s performance sounds just as weird and icky as you would expect. Here’s a sample:

Cohen’s streams often seem like a fever dream — with Trump’s one-time fixer fluctuating between personal attacks on his former boss and making heart shapes with his hands after a user sends him a gift. Cohen did not specify how much he has made on the streams when asked by ABC News.
At one point on Tuesday night, in the middle of Cohen discussing his upcoming possible testimony, a TikTok user gifted Cohen a “Knight Helmet,” which cost 199 TikTok coins. The gift placed a cartoon helmet on Cohen’s head, prompting him to stop briefly mid-sentence before continuing,
“Ultimately what will happen is it will be my day … I’ll go there with my helmet, my spear, and I’ll sit my ass in that witness stand and I’ll just tell the truth,” Cohen said.
Michael Cohen wouldn’t recognize the truth if it gave him a Cherry Ripple colon cleanse. And this TikTok grifter is Alvin Bragg’s star witness.

Which brings us to another remarkable New York Times editorial.

…………..more fun in the comment section……………..


Today in a hearing about Trump defying his Gag Order …Mercan had the option of Jailing Trump but alas he chickened out by offered a stern warning…NEXT TIME !…How would this affect the Election ?


Judge Merchan takes the bench and advises that Trump can attend Barron’s graduation on May 17th.