How do you eliminate them? Either Congress cuts off all funding.(Never going to happen because most of Congress is either for them, afraid of them and or are being blackmailed by them.) OR, a future President issues an executive order eliminating all current intelligence agencies while simultaneously creating one big new one with very tightly prescribed mission statement and limits on what they can and cannot be involved in.(Highly unlikely.)

That leaves a third and more likely option on how the country gets out from this 80+ year mess since the WW2 spy apparatus morphed into the CIA and the whole nightmare began. A total economic and political collapse of the system caused by the end of the dollar from runaway debt and debasement of the currency.

The only way we are likely to get back to a smaller, limited Federal govt., as the founding fathers envisioned, is after the whole government collapses.(Thank God we have the states.) Not ideal, not pretty and definitely with a lot of pain. What is the alternative?