Turns out that incentivizing the widespread use of illegal drugs in public places isn’t a good idea. What a shock!


Great Piece : This is how he Finishes ( Paywalled …so the beginning is posted in a comment )



At this point, common-sense Canadians are fully justified in denouncing the Liberals & the NDP as extremists and radicals.

On issue after issue, the Liberals and their NDP coalition partners have sought to move Canada far to the left.

One by one, they have imposed radical ideological experiments on Canada.

And one by one, those radical experiments have crumbled.

Look at the carbon tax, which is now widely hated by Canadians.

Look at immigration, where the Liberals are trying to distance themselves from their own radical immigration hikes.

Look at their recent reckless spending & taxing budget, which featured an ‘attack the rich’ capital gains tax hike that is looking more and more indefensible with each passing day.

The Liberals – having turned their party into a vehicle for the personality cult of the narcissistic Justin Trudeau – have lost touch with their once somewhat deserved reputation for centrism and moderation.

In doing so, they have left the political centre wide open for Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives, who are making the most of it.

Poilievre is dominating in the polls by talking about fighting crime, reducing taxes, getting spending under control, and enforcing laws against illegal drug use, all of which would have been the baseline people expected from the government until Trudeau and his ilk took charge.

Most Canadians are still reasonable and sensible people, and it’s good to see that more of our fellow citizens are waking up to how extreme, radical, and out-of-touch Trudeau and his enablers are.

Spencer Fernando