The lesson here is that progressives are not willing to negotiate their open border agenda in the slightest, even to prevent child victimization…

The message being sent is that the political left needs media cover for their policies because their policies constantly fail (or succeed in being destructive, depending on how you look at it). They simply never intended for the surge of illegals to land on their doorstep. One area that is consistently damaging to the progressive image is the catch and release of numerous illegal migrant criminals who go on to harm innocent American citizens. The growing list of incidents surrounding migrant crime is creating a PR nightmare for Democrats.

People are starting to ask – If Democrats knowingly release dangerous migrant offenders onto the streets, are Democrats then accountable for the people those migrants go on to harm? For example, Haitian migrant Cory Alvarez, who was arrested for raping a 15 year old girl with disabilities in Massachusetts, entered the United States using the Biden administration’s CHNV parole program.