Critics said a new WEF report highlighting the “pivotal role” a person’s “digital identity” is expected to play in the metaverse reveals how the global elites’ vision for the metaverse is really just an opportunity to “control massive amounts of people.”

The WEF’s March report comes on the heels of last month’s report by the RAND Corporation and the U.K. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, which states that “future metaverses may reach such a sophistication level that they ‘come to function almost like new countries.’”

The RAND report predicts the Internet of Bodies ecosystem, where humans and machines are essentially merged, may result in the development of the “Internet of Brains” sometime between 2035-2050.

“One of the WEF’s goals is to market the central bankers’ reset … to the general public.” “Metaverse promotion is part of using online entertainment — such as video games and multi-media combined with mind control — entertainment and subliminal programming — to distract and manipulate the portion of the population that can be captured to escape the real world, part and parcel of lowering cognition and IQs,” Fitts added.