There have been many thoughts and opinions on what type of silver one should own, given possible govt. actions and or confiscation.

I have recently put out there, the opinion or suggestion by at least one coin dealer who said it might not be wise to pay many multiples of face for junk silver in the event, as unlikely as it may seem, that the govt. recalls it. If they do, banks are going to pay face value giving the govt. a cheap source of silver.

Here is another possible misconception by many others. Numerous stackers have argued that the best form to own silver would be Eagles for US citizens and Maples for Canadiens, etc.

In other words people believe it makes sense for citizens to own the coins issued by their respective govts. because if silver is returned to the monetary system the govts would recognize their own issued coins to use for currency.

That makes sense and it is quite possible that will play out. My take on that, is not to say they won’t use their issued coins as currency, but that it isn’t worth paying up for the often high premiums for those coins. I have bought Eagles years ago when premiums were minimal compared to the last few years.

However, if I am correct in my belief that silver is in severe shortage and that it will get recognized and priced accordingly when the Comex fraud ends, it will be better to own generic silver. The reason is that if Eagles and Maples etc. get adopted as currency, the people are not likely to use them as coinage with extreme price premiums. They may end up being hoarded (Greshams Law) because the true value of silver won’t be reflected in their coin values.

Generic silver however, whether in bars, coins, rounds or whatever, will reflect the market driven price based on actual supply and demand. Not a huge distinction, but why I don’t pay large premiums for govt. issued silver. Industrial needs for silver are the most important determining factor, especially if a shortage develops. Different than for gold where the differentiation is minimal.