Point 1) Who might do such a stupid sale, leaving millions on the table? Maybe the same entity that does this to gold and silver on the Comex when they need to “tamp down” prices in front of a runaway train.

Point 2) Any objective thoughts from someone not heavily invested in bitcoin on what Arthur Hayes says about the ETF’s cornering the market to the point of the miners ending operations because it isn’t worth it vs their costs.

While I can understand at some point you can’t afford to operate because of the diminishing number of new Bitcoins to spread your costs out on but why would the fact that the ETF’s are sucking them all up have anything to do with those economics?

What might I be missing about the concentration by ETF’s vs the miners? Aren’t those two separate issues? https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/bitcoin-flash-crashes-below-9000-bitmex-amid-tether-turbulence