I’ve already commented that Europe is toast. Socialism and urbanization for so many years has created a mindset that will be difficult to change. Rural vs Urban. Not always that simple but I don’t know enough to comment more. RIP Europe as the two sides will clash.

After three months of making an annoyance of myself, I honestly can not remember hearing many Canadian Men of all ages liking The Turd.
It’s a mixed bag for Women. Older and younger women still cling to the “He kept us Safe” BS and the Climate Agenda for our children BS.

What is very reassuring is the people of colour who came in legally.
Overwhelmingly they support the Conservatives. Shocked me as I was always told that new Canadians will vote Liberal.

I am well aware that I do not encounter those who never leave the City and hold very Liberal ideas so I may be totally out to lunch. Hope not. Although, most of the Canadians who come to the Mtn are from Urban areas.

Am skiing this week with two older Kiwi ladies (3 shots to get their life back) who liked Jacinda in the early days of the Scamdemic but are now using words for her that I only thought I would hear from this forum. Oh, the Language! Hahahha

There are still those who believe the shots helped. A mixed bag whether they will take more shots though. Very small number.
I do not engage an obvious Branch Member. Other topics on the table.
I usually ask where they will ski in the near future once the Carbon Allowances come in. That really fucks them up. They never thought about the consequences of their actions.

GMG and I have some friends who tell us we are worrying for nothing as no one will go along with all this stuff. They are very Liberal and don’t see any of what we see. For example, what will they do when the WHO Pandemic Agreement is passed and they are not in agreement. Head in the sand. A real wakeup call for them.

I am thinking that I speak with 15-25 strangers everyday I am out there. It will come to an end in 5 weeks when I will just see the neighbours. Life back to normal until I go on the road for some more fun at the Campsites.