per FullGoldCrown …

Insanity is prevailing, evil is ascendant and accelerating. Much of this horror is occurring in predominantly blue/democrat areas, but any red state with a blue city is also taking part in the degradation of society and the psycho-sexual abuse of children. When the pendulum swings back, the swath of the blade will be deadly.

I’ll counter argue here a bit…  My take is EVIL has always been here, however, EVIL is now coming out of the shadows and is being exposed… the mind controlled won’t see it, but once you pierce through that perceptual frequency fence… it’s hard to unsee it.

As our underlying planetary energetics change, as our planet frequency increases, the ones locked with-in that mental body frequency fence are going to become more insane, more crazy… and as more people move through the fence, this threatens EVIL’s power… so they are upping their evil ways…

My point is they are not on the ascendant path, what we are witnessing is the last throws of these entities, a thrashing about as they try to hold on to power, this is a dangerous time because, they will never accept defeat and will end moving to a slash and burn policy as they descend back to where they came from!

Islandgold… take of the day!!