We Goldtenters Collectiveyt Spend all day every day searching the Myriad of Websites and Many of us also personally monitor the real world out there …then we post whatever we think is interesting and or Important …Articles and Commentaries and Insights. We have a myriad of brilliant people to chose from. So much is coming out so fast it is imposssible to read and absorb Everything posted here at the Tent


This may be THE post of the year when all is said and done ..maybe the post of the decade

Surprisingly this is from that Intrepid Ukraine War Analyst we have been following.. Simplicius the Thinker..he sure has thunk some thoughts !!

Snip 1

The WEF 2024 at Davos—the premier globalist retreat—was held from January 15-19. In many ways it was a special one, because it was the first such conclave where the elites displayed a palpable fear and apprehension for the direction society is headed, and the blowback being received from an increasingly defiant humanity.

Snip 2

The world right now is terrifying to the Davos Class. Everything is going wrong, the populists have entered the inner sanctum and are openly saying “you guys are the problem your doom is coming,” and there’s a feeling the neoliberal intl. system is at the edge of the abyss.

Snip 3

Democrats and neoliberals — who’ve spent 8 years convincing themselves and everyone else that Trump is an impending dictator — are convinced Orange Hitler is about to take over the Reichstag. And at this point, Trump has said “fuck it, I’ll be the monster you think I am.”

