Hi Fully. As usual, I lurk constantly, post occasionally.

I was at the Tucker Carlson event in Calgary yesterday. Well worth it. The message is we have a good thing going in Canada and its time to stand up and speak the truth about energy, immigration, federal leadership etc, and not just listen and shake our heads regarding the “other sides” insane fantasies and policies that are ruining our country.

The question period with Jordan Peterson was outstanding. Daniel Smith also well spoken. It was nice to be in a crowd of 4000 like minded people.

Every time they mentioned CBC we all booed. Tucker at the finish offered the CBC an interview if they would put it on the news that night. I watched the news, the CBC said they had limited access so couldn’t report much. LOL, they were there and were offered an interview in front of 4000 people.

All in all a great event. I hear Edmonton has 8000 tickets sold.

Bring on the change.