Hi Kewl,

“What I am seeing is a direct attempt to silence, censor, de-prioritise, de-monetise, isolate & cast doubt against anyone that questions the current plans of Governments, Big Pharmaceutical & The Parasitic ruling classes.”

You probably already know this, but this has been going on, in ‘all ways’, for quite awhile now… However, these global statanic ai parasites (which is in fact what their consciousness energetics are…LOL), have realized their censorship efforts and effects are dwindling… So now they are down grading their BS  ESG and DEI programs with a renewed focus on DISINFORMATION.  So it looks like they will be taking this censorship to the next level. 

From my perspective they are also doing this as “Global Disclosure” goes to the next level this year.  The underlying energetic architecture that support these “demonics” is rapidly being cleared up, they are losing their power…  (you can even see it in how they talk and act from a couple years back).    Global disclosure will start to clear the mind control programs that have infected this planet and the people will begin to more ‘clearly see’ wtf has been going on, on planet Earth!!

The pedophile, ruling class will be exposed… and I think we all know here… EVERY SYSTEM that has been built to serve humanity…. legal, political, financial, medical, educational…  has an Anti-human force running them…  They all need to come down and be rebuilt such that they are in alignment with “Natural Laws”….   This is happening!!
