This is amazing…from Jeff Childers this morning

The Daily Mail UK ran an astonishing pro-Trump op-ed yesterday penned by none less than former Prime Minister and super-elite lockdown prince Boris Johnson:

The op-ed swept up a stunning week of comments by various elite financial luminaries at the World Economic Forum this week that either threw shade on Joe Biden or outright endorsed Trump as the only possible way forward that doesn’t involve the Earth falling off the infinite stack of Turtles or something.

Even more curiously, Boris appealed to European liberals and neocons, or neoEurocons, or whatever they’re called, assuring them that Trump would not abandon Ukraine, downplaying the J6 riot, and waving aside Trump’s likely insistence that Europe pay more for its own defense as “long standing U.S. policy.” Aiming straight at the liberal narrative’s beating heart, Johnson argued that while Trump has the necessary “courage” to end the war in Ukraine, the Biden administration is “too weak” to stand up to Putin.

It was richly ironic that Boris Johnson referred to the “global wokerati,” as if he weren’t one of them, but I still give him points for coining the amusing term and dishing out heaps of well-justified sarcasm.

It seems like on January 1st somebody pulled some kind of lever, and some long-planned strategy shifted into gear. It’s not completely clear yet just what is going on. But if Trump somehow engineered all this simultaneous elite support, then he’s a marketing genius, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.