MASS PROTESTS ( BY IMMIGRANTS) AGAINST AfD …They are saying AfD wants to mass deport them

Germany is coming apart at the seams

Civil War is inevitable IMO

You have the farmers Protesting against the Government and Now The Government is aligned with the Immigrants against the Second most Popular Party in the Country who is gainig popularity by leaps and bounds

Govt is obviously orchestrating this scene ..they really want to ban the second most popular party in Germany

snip 1 : “In a video message issued Friday night, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed this weekend’s protests as “good and right.”

snip 2 : Many have pointed out that the mass deportation plan is evocative of the Nazi era from 1933 to 1945, when millions were transported against their will to concentration, forced labour and extermination camps.

“The plans to expel millions of people are reminiscent of the darkest chapter in German history,” Christian Dürr, parliamentary group leader of the neoliberal Free Democrats Party (FDP), wrote on X.

Pass the Schnitzel
