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Brownstone Institute
End This Silence
This past weekend, a former NYT journalist, the man who broke the world, penned an op-ed that called for the jailing of dissident doctors and the silencing of all critics of pandemic controls. He wants the CDC completely immune from civilian control and instead run like the Pentagon.

His name is Donald G. McNeil. He has been pen pals with Anthony Fauci, and he exercised immense influence in the darkest time of our lives. His new book touts what he calls “public health fascism.”

We’ll offer a critique soon but you should know that none of these are idle threats. The World Economic Forum meets this week to consider how elites can use “Disease X” to extend and entrench its “great reset.” We’ve covered this week how the US government is building quarantine camps.

The lockdowns were not a one-off but a template for the future.

There is a means of resistance and it comes down to public enlightenment and moral courage. The only way to get there is through diligent research, education, books, and events, reaching as many people as possible.

Brownstone Institute is dedicated to the task, and experiences daily targeting as a result. Supporting dissident minds around the world, the best people who have a real bead on the essence of the problem we face, is integral to our work.

We deeply appreciate your support for this work. It’s never been more crucial.

We’ve got three books on the way, and huge plans for this year. Please join us!

Here is some content since our last email: