I don’t know who this guy really is. He is very good to read. he sure is Cocky about what he knows.

I like his stuff…every Saturday Evening

He claims to be a advisor to some high net worth people and perhaps Governments too

Sort of like a more optimistic and realist version of Armstrong…without all the confusing language

and Doom Porn



“In recent editorials, BOOM has pointed out that stock investors have rather dramatically abandoned so-called renewable energy companies, electric car companies (with the exception of Tesla) and hydrogen companies. Last week, BOOM showed that the meat alternatives sector is also producing very bad smells as investors race to find the exit.

The official narrative from the WEF (the so-called “World Economic Forum”), the IPCC (the so-called Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and from almost all national Western governments is that “clean energy” and fake meat (ze bugs) are the future. Of course, the politicians have not bothered to check if such ideas are commercially, technically or socially viable in the long term. They leave that to the technocrats who blindly follow the WEF and the IPCC. Critical thinking is absent in the halls of power.

However, investors have done the thinking as they are risking their money and they are rapidly abandoning ship. Over the last 6 months in the United States, so-called “clean” energy stocks have lost US $ 30 Billion in value. Bloomberg ran an article on this last week. And they produced this chart which compares the “clean energy” stocks to the “dirty” energy sector.”



WOW…just finished…Incredible piece. I beleive this Dr gerry has put together the best answer to the question Who really Controls the US Military and therfore the US Government. Yikes…we are already captured. We are gonna need a whole shitload of people ( Billions) to just say >>> No !