Canada is a Libtardian Haven . In general a very Left leaning Populace .

Most Conservatives tend to be quiet about their Political Views

I posted a Piece from Spencer Fernando a few days back . A Poll was taken in 2020

asking IF You could vote in the USA would you vote Biden or Trump

80% said Biden

I subscribe to a Canadian Polling Duo Eric Grenier and Philippe Fournier .

They just did a podcast . They appear “neutral” when they discuss Canadian Polling.

The latest Abacus Poll was Conservatives 41 , Liberals 24 , NDPuke 18 . So they are compelled to discus the Turds situation as Dire …also Dogmeat who is NOT gaining what the Libs are losing.
Compelled to admit Poilievre is getting more and more popular.

However they revealed themselves in this new podcast when they switched to discussing the latest Canadian Poll which just came out Biden vs Trump ….is now 66% Biden and 33% Trump .

They were obviously very uncomfortable with this . They were “astounded” that with all the negative MSM hit pieces detailing Trumps court cases and everything and ESPECIALLY because Trup has recently said he will seek retribution when he wins…The cant believe Canadians are increasingly turning to Trump ( Young Men 18 to 45 are 50- 50 ! They discussed this for a while and then one of them said .we need to move on because this is very depressing and distressing for him.

He actually said that he was getting some members saying that the People should Get to decide who to vote for NOT Courts . His response was BUT in this case we need to Protect “Democracy”

Trump via Jan 6 and now via threatening to weaponize the DOJ will destroy Democracy and …therefore the Courts are right to ban him for insurection !

Ha! That was a surprise coming from a Political analyst who claims to be unbiased and a believer in Democracy

Anyhow all this is to say…the tide is turning.

Also today i was listening to a Radio Talk Show . Up until NOW ALL radio talk shows out of Toronto were libtardian . BUT this guy was terrific.

He cited the Police supporting hamas demonstrations by standing down and bringing Coffee and donuts VS the Police action against Truckers peaceful protests where they disbursed them with tear gas and riot gear and horses stomping and the fact that a police officer was let go for donating 20 bucks to the truckers. He even cited the Pizza restauranteur in Toronto who was arrested several times vs the way the Police didn’t even arrest a Man for threatening to kill them .

he went off on the Turd and Co. pandering to Muslims calling for genocide . he went off on the Claudine Gay story If the LGBTQs were threatened there would have been a different response. He went off of the increase in crime due to the Turds leniency on criminals.

And all of the phone in commentators were in agreement and more !

The Conservatives are finally speaking out in public and the middle is joining it

The tide is Finally turning and it will be a Tsunami before we’re done

STAY the course !!