-Use lawfare to eliminate the opposition
-Hold political prisoners indefinitely
-Shred the Constitution
-Control the media
-Use outside groups to destabilize the country (migrants)

Numerous commentators (Martenson, Kunstler) are pointing out the obvious that as the Biden Regime goes full on Banana Republic, we can expect them to double down on the insanity that has infected the country. This year, 2024, will be the most interesting of our lifetime in North America. The Civil Rights, Vietnam War, War on Drugs, War on Terror, etc were bad but did not affect everyone.
No matter what side one is on, we now have strong opposing opinions that can not be resolved in my humble opinion without one side completely over-running the other. It’s coming to a head. Similar to the US Civil War which overwhelmingly devastated the South for decades after.

The censorship will go into overdrive, more control of the population,
more migrants, more division and more insane policies that are yet to make the light of day. They are running scared and can not fail or it’s not a pretty picture for them. We should hold them to account legally.

On the bright side, more people from the old Left are starting to question the insanity. The Overton Window has forced them to come over to the right. The right will only lose the November election if the left cheats again.