moar charts, right?

(to novices, the blue red and black 5s coincide at the top signifying cycle ends at least at three degrees of trend.)

At the local level, in line with my remarks last week.
Dan is something of a permabear, so ‘grain of salt’ applies.
But a solid bear move is nearing after black 5. (However its properly labeled in the end)
What happens after this “top” is still uncertain (at least to me). Even if you ‘know.’
The muddle through count sees 5 INSTEAD as a B and then we triangle in very large waves this year (C D and E).
If C down IS next (we should go well below 4000 but not revisit Oct 22).
A bigger bear move …. too soon to detail the potential there.
Dan has a bond chart tonight also, which sees further yield retrace.
THE REAL TROUBLE starts when that retrace completes.