Thinking about the hordes of illegal immigration at the Southern Border and what could be done about it. If Trump gets re-elected he will likely resume building the wall and crackdown on the illegal nonsense that has been going on since Biden took over.(Literally a hostile takeover, ballot fraud etc.) Trump should send a private, confidential message to the Mexican president thru back channels, that if he doesn’t take immediate steps to stop these masses from coming thru Mexico to the US border, on day one of the new Trump administration the US military is going to perform a “special operation” to seize ALL Mexican silver mine production until which time the money from that silver production will be used to finish the wall and pay for the expense of the last three years of massive illegal immigrants. Some will say it would be an act of war and maybe that is true. How has Mexico’s benign approach to allowing all of these people to move thru their country and invade the US, not been an act of war? How many acts of war has the US committed in the last 60 years or so? At least this one would be to mitigate a direct foreign threat to US National Security, unlike most of the others.