Wow this guy is OUR guy ! The UFC is strongly supporting our cause. it’s THE only Sport in NA that is doing so.

NHL MLB NFL NBA Soccer Nascar even…ALL captured by the Cretins 100%

BUT the UFC Major Stars push back at these other Hypocrite Super Stars like recently one guy called out Lebute James for not standing for the National Anthem at his son’s game ( ps…His son played his first game since his heart attack …cant make this up)

Now this guy is calling out Football’s Travis Kelsey as a piece of shit for puching vaccines.

BUT here is the interesting deal

Kelsey is supposedly Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend

These UFC guys are saying this is 100% the Left bringing them together to use their massive influence too promote their agendas….Ha

Trump has been attending all the BIG UFC fights and getting lots of positive publicity.

i bet he had a meeting with the “Players” and said OK Boys ….if you are on Team Trump…Time to go kick som Libtardian Ass