It’s a 15 minute clip . On Tuckers new pay per view channel . Incredible…How does Tucker do it. how does he get access to anyone and everyone . This short clip starts with Tucker setting up the story ( INCREDIBLE) and then travelling to Belmarsh on a bus with Assange’s wife . He cannot be interviewed on camera but Tucker is going to try to visit with his wife to have a “discussion”…Mrs’ Assange is describing the security ( Incredible). He hasn’t even been charged with a crime .
had to spend 7 years in the Ecuador Embassy then was dragged to prison and has been in Solitary Confinement for 4 more years.

The last half is Tucker sitting asside Mrs’ Assange on the bus back to his hotel speaking to the camera about his 1 hour discussion. Assange looks better than he has been described . He is 100% all there. One question Tucker asked him was does he regret getting involved in outing Hillary’s Emails which embarassed the hell out of her ? …what does he feel about that now. Does he regret it . and Jumian’s response ?…He said … Honestly it was “Fun”

Turns out he was Incarcerated without charge ( other than a trumped up rape charge that has been dropped) …On the order of Mike Pompeo who was head of the CIA back then…because of the intense embaresment that Wikileaks brought to the CIA. Pompeo is NOY who we though he was. he is an Evid Deep State Kingpin. Now way guys like this get anywhere near President trump 47

The quality of this video is breathtaking…it’s like you are on the bus with them . Highly recommend you all sign up with’s going to be a real “RIDE” with this guy

This is likely paywalled …but let me know


How long before he Interviews Putin ?