This is a Classic Jeff Childers Piece : Brilliant sarcasm to highlight another “conspiracy” LOL


Now they tell us! Chalk up yet another one for the problematic conspiracy theorists and the hated misinformers. FactCheck.Org ran a belated story last week with this headline:

The word “generally” is doing a whole lot of work in that headline. FactCheck described the terrifying shedding phenomenon — the barest mention of which used to get you thrown straight into Facebook jail — as now being just the most natural, most common-sense thing in the world:

“When a pathogen replicates in the body, it can be shed in respiratory secretions or in stool. We call that shedding,” Benjamin Lopman, professor of epidemiology and environmental health at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health, told us in an email. “In some instances, it is possible for shed (vaccine viruses) to be transmitted to other persons. However, since (vaccine viruses) are safe, this generally does not present a problem,” he said, referring to live attenuated vaccines.
Transmission of shed influenza vaccine viruses from vaccinated to unvaccinated people has been documented, according to the agency, “but has not been reported to be associated with serious illness,” the CDC explained.
In a 2006 clinical study among 197 children, ages 9 months to 3 years, who received a vaccine or placebo, 80% of the vaccine recipients shed at least one vaccine strain, and one transmission was documented.
(FYI,) the CDC recommends that everyone in a household with an immunocompromised person take particular care to wash their hands after changing the diaper of an infant who received rotavirus vaccine.
Generally! Generally shedding does not present a problem. This is an airtight conclusion based on the totally precise and not circumstantial fact that serious shedding illness has “not been reported” to the CDC. There you go, that’s Science, science with a capital-S. So sHuT uP! And FactCheck only asked its experts about shedding related to old-fashioned attenuated-virus vaccines, so for those of you wondering about mRNA shedding, FactCheck’s reporter got temporary amnesia or snow blindness or something and failed to mention those in the article at all.

So … the shedding issue has now reached Stage Four. Here is the template for the Five Stages of Woke Grief (spoiler: all five stages are different types of denial). Here’s how woke, virtue-signaling minds slowly process information contradicting what they’ve been told to believe about some uncomfortable and undeniable “thing,” like vaccine shedding or vaccine-induced myocarditis:

The thing doesn’t happen. There’s no evidence! It’s just a conspiracy theory.

It might’ve happened once or twice, but it’s anecdotal, and correlation isn’t causation.

Okay, maybe it happens sometimes, but it’s super-rare and basically doesn’t happen.

It’s not rare. It’s normal. Scientists always said it happens and it’s nothing to worry about.

So it happens a lot. It’s good that it’s happening!

Like I said, woke grief over shedding has zoomed past Stage Four and is racing down the slopes toward Stage Five. There’s only one stage to go, and then we can find out why shedding is actually good for us. It’s probably because you get vaccinated without having to get pricked by a needle, plus your insurance company won’t even pay a dime. Free vaccines! Wheeee! I can’t wait to find out.

Hey, now at least, when the doctor asks whether I want my flu/RSV/shingles/orneryness vaccine, I can just say thanks, I got shed on at the office and I’m good. My antibodies are all charged up!



We have an unvaxxed member at the Tent who had a harrowing situation with Myo-pericarditis which was well documented to have come from shedding. I wont mention him for reasons of privacy . But he is one tough dude and has come through the ordeal .