Just read the latest “A Midwestern Doctor” Substack article on how Big Pharma sold depression and it’s treatment.

His/her articles are long but well worth it. Most of us know that a disease condition is manufactured by Big Pharma to sell the cure that makes them a fantastic profit.

I don’t know much about depression. Never suffered from it. I take zero meds period. Not even pain meds.

Last year an older Aussie friend and I were riding the chairlift over some off piste terrain. Deep snow and rough not skiable. He wanted to show me a photo of his Dog. I took his poles so my hands were full.
Next thing I knew he laid his phone case on the chair seat to zip up his pocket. I watched in slow motion as the phone slipped off the chair into 1 m of snow. I freaked out, noted the Tower number and how far it landed from it. What did the owner of the phone do. Nothing!
He had just lost his wallet the week before and if not for his phone he would not be able to pay for anything. I told him I would attempt to retrieve his phone. He seemed not to care. What the HELL!
He proceeded to tell me he’s on a medication to calm him down and it is wonderful. He went through some family crisis awhile ago and many of his neighbours in his 55 and older Condo swear by the medication so his MD prescribed it. “Life is great!” As I was assuring him I will find it, he still didn’t care one way or the other.
Long story short I did find it as the case landed open and created an entrance hole and I was able to reach down and recover it. It was a challenge to reach the area but I felt it had to be done. I was more concerned than him!

He told me he would have just got another phone. “But what about all the stuff on there???”

He told me the medication but I didn’t recognize it. An antidepressant.

He has a cheery disposition but goes through life now without much thought. He is well off so it helps.

The wide uptake in antidepressants by seniors is possibly why they just went along with all the NPI and shots of the Covid repression.
They just don’t care anymore as long as “they feel good”.
Safe and effective!