from JC again

Wrapping up today’s roundup with this recent clip of one Dr. Zajac, who admitted he used to be an arrogant, know-it-all vaccine bully, but has now come all the way around to refusing to vaccinate his own kids. In other words, he became an anti-vaxxer. In the 17-minute interview clip, Dr. Zajac also discusses the relative health of vaccinated and unvaccinated kids in his practice and the practical economics of vaccines. However much you think pediatric vaccines are worth to a general medical practice or pediatrician, it’s more than you think. Way more.

Dr. Zajac admits that he used to be a “vaccine bully,” because his clinic needed to achieve certain vaccine rates. But his attitude changed as he had to start making decisions about vaccines for his own children, and his own clinical practice had shown that the rates of vaccine injuries were not what the CDC and drug companies were claiming, such as “one in a million,” but more like one out of 100 were being hospitalized from vaccine injuries.

It was a fascinating interview. Maybe most fascinating was learning, from his own words, how a smart doctor completed the dangerous journey from being an unwitting accomplice to becoming a freed, independent thinker. Not to mention how he developed humility and faith along the way. Perhaps not all doctors can be saved, but maybe Dr. Zajac’s example offers a possible formula for doctors who could be saved. What do you think?