I’m happy to update that my dad seems to be doing a lot better after a bit of sleep and an IV to get more fluids into him.  In case you missed my previous post, upon admittance, they did a PCR test and said he had covid which I questioned about how many cycles were used, and dismissed their evaluation of it right away.  Also when they suggested remdesivir, I immediately told the nurse no way would I allow that as it would cause kidney failure.  Luckily that prevented them from administering it, even though the doctor called and said they gave one course yesterday (which they didn’t) so it was a good thing we stayed late there to ensure they didn’t.  I also gave the doctor a piece of my mind in a stern voice about not administering remdesivir and she obeyed my wishes.  I then checked the medical records from the nurse on duty of all meds administered and I saw the cancelling of the remdesivir to confirm it.

The one thing is my dad did not sleep well so he needed more rest.  Normally he has a prescription to help with pain due to shingles that he had a few years ago, which makes him sleep quite a lot, and without that last night, he had a restless night with almost no sleep according to the nurse.  So after we got there, he was able to sleep and after that ate on his own and it seems like my dad is improving now.

I told my mother we should be giving him the ivermectin, and I showed her the safety record of it, but then she saw some studies had some bad side effects, and possible drug interactions, so she didn’t want to give it to him without a doctor’s supervision.  I don’t think that covid is the problem anyway.

I think he had a problem emptying his bladder since an ultrasound he had about 800 ml retained after attempting to void so it’s possible he has a problem with his urinary tract, or voiding due to an enlarged prostate.

He’s supposed get put in a private room tomorrow so we’ll see if he’s moved tomorrow.  Thanks for all your concern and prayers.