Thanks to the posters for their contributions. So much coming fast and furious.
I’ve noticed a new conversation out there now. Covid shots, Net-Zero, are done except for the true believers. No Ukraine, Middle East conflict either. A month ago they were a thing.

As much as I try not to ask questions of others when riding the chair with my friends, Unshotted and the Centre, the topic of chronic illness comes up more than usual.
A local young lady told me that it was her first day out after a month of the Resort being open. Asked her why she didn’t come sooner. She got Long Covid after last ski season. So offered that she had three shots prior to this illness. She has taken another shot since the Long Covid. What could I say? It sounds like she has fought a chronic lung issue continuously. Thus no energy. She told me she never missed weekend skiing prior to that time. Now her life has changed.
Many of her friends have something similar but are walking around and you wouldn’t notice. Who told her it was Long Covid? Our Local Health Clinic. She was told there are many with Long Covid so get another shot!
Pneumonia is another common ailment. After delicately asking the question, how many shots have you had, they all have had 3+. There is no connection to the shots in their mind. My Vancouver cycling buddy and his wife have been down for three weeks with bacterial pneumonia and he can’t seem to shake it. 3+ shots as of last Summer and I thought they had quit but I believe they got the Pneumonia shot (viral?) and possibly other seasonal shots recently. I don’t want to ask.

On a positive note, my trucker hating neighbour has done a complete 180. He condemned my flag support for the Trucker Freedom Convoy at the time. I think I had the only Cdn Flag in the village other than at the Muni building and Resort Welcome centre. He’s now changed from Liberal to Conservative. Got on his local School Board to fight SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues). By next Federal election there will be 4 new Conservative Voters in his family of 8. The rest too young to vote. He loved Trudeau last year.
He even mentioned the previously non existent Conservative Party of BC. Their popularity is rising. Went to a Freedom Rally with Silver Fox last Fall and heard about them for the first time as a viable alternative.

The chronic illnesses are out there but not discussed.