Whistleblower data from a New Zealand analyst highlights the immense amount of human suffering as a consequence of the global COVID-19 jab rollout.


  • There is a longstanding precedent for the government to protect “emergency” vaccines that were rushed to market by concealing the evidence those vaccines are harming people and stonewalling attempts to make safer vaccines.
  • The vaccine adverse event reporting system was created because vaccine safety activists forced the government to create a database of vaccine injuries which the public had the legal right to view.
  • VAERS data is often dismissed because it is “unscientific.” However, each time a “more scientific” vaccine safety monitoring system is created, the government refuses to release its data – because, as we’ve seen throughout COVID-19, those data sets show the vaccines are in fact quite dangerous.
  • Recently a New Zealand whistleblower, at great personal risk, released a vaccine payment database indicating that a significant number of people were being killed by the vaccine. This data is consistent with other leaked government datasets.
