Story at-a-glance

  • Over the past year, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has released several reports detailing how the government is a) harassing and intimidating citizens to shut down undesirable viewpoints b) using misinformation and propaganda to drive false narratives and c) censoring protected speech using third parties
  • November 30, 2023, House Judiciary Committee held another hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger testified and shared evidence about the existence of a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), which consists of military contractors that are censoring Americans and using sophisticated psychological operations against us
  • The CTIL was founded by a group of former Israeli and British intelligence agents who initially volunteered their cybersecurity services FOR FREE to multibillion-dollar hospital and health care organizations in the U.S.
  • CTIL also offers physical security and “cognitive” security, which are volunteered by U.S. and British military contractors
  • The CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape also includes using debanking as financial leverage, pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of “terms of service violations,” and more

VIDEO – Weaponization of US Federal Government –