….This is for everyone but especially the Sourpuss Black Pilled Defeatists in our midst…wake up and smell the coffee…and keep on fighting these monsterous cretinic vermin from hell. There is nothing more important than our morale


From Jeff Childers

If you still weren’t convinced the conservative counter-revolution is real, prepare to have your mind changed. Yesterday CNN aired a remarkable segment on the weekend’s Global Public Square with Fareed Zakaria. Not only did Fareed spend the entire segment making the case against higher education — and he framed the argument as well as Christopher Rufo might have — but Fareed also shattered a whole glass cabinet of precious lefty sacred cow creamers.


In case you somehow missed it, late last week three woke, sexually-atypical Ivy League presidents at Harvard, U. Penn, and M.I.T., all testified before Congress and were unaccountably unable to adequately explain the apparent contradiction that their students can be expelled for calling a bearded male professor “he” — in a private conversation! — but at the same time it’s also perfectly fine under the schools’ Orwellian speech codes to call for genocide against Jewish students using a bullhorn.

I’m still analyzing where the three extra-diverse academics went off the rails, and why the left has completely abandoned them in their time of need. The three ladies’ performances were a perfect storm of failure. But part of the explanation must be how smug and arrogant they were as they linguistically wielded messy bowls of word salad like they were medieval maces.

Grinning nearly to the point of shattering their botoxed cheeks, the three presidents seemed to revel in annoyingly refusing to answer sensible questions from attractive House Representative Elise Stefanik, who was in all ways their exact opposite making for a fascinating study in contrasts.

As evidence for how completely Mrs. Stefanik owned the three academics, not only has one of the three — Penn’s Liz Magill — already resigned, but here was Saturday’s New York Sun headline, starkly suggesting that the hearing may in fact lead to much more significant changes in higher education than just replacing a few woke presidents:

I covered this story more fully in yesterday’s post, but the difficult lesson the three academics are now learning is that while politicians may smugly not-answer questions, college presidents are expected to be sincere and give understandable answers, or evidently pay the price.

But, back to Fareed, and to the Sun’s predicted ‘earthquake in higher education.’ At one point early in his segment, soberly reflecting about how white male applicants might as well pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster as apply for an Ivy League professorship, Fareed flatly identified the actual, real-world problem — without even a little virtue-signaling or using any woke buzzwords — proving that after all, they do know how to speak plain English.

Fareed explained to CNN’s viewers that the universities are failing, badly, by pursuing diversity instead of merit:

“American Universities have been neglecting a core focus on excellence, in order to pursue a variety of agendas, many of them clustered around diversity and inclusion. It started with good intentions … but those good intentions have morphed into a dogmatic ideology, and turned these universities have turned these institutions into places where the pervasive goals are political and social engineering, not academic merit.”
You will miss the significance unless you notice what Fareed did not focus on. He did not complain about the free speech issue. He did not even complain about antisemitism. Instead, he aimed his rhetorical cannon right into the heart of the infection, at pervasive leftwing campus ideology and the excesses of D.E.I.

Listen to all six minutes of Fareed’s segment if you have time. Every bit of it was just as commonsense and direct as was the short part I quoted above.

There was nothing revolutionary about Fareed’s observations, of course, since conservatives have been ringing this alarm bell and even filing reverse-discrimination lawsuits over this issue for more than a decade. But what was revolutionary in that the segment was that it appeared on CNN at all, and that it was delivered by a “trusted (leftwing) news source” like Fareed Zakaria.

Think about this: What is happening in the culture to cause CNN — not to mention nearly everyone else — to side with conservatives against woke college culture as though it were common sense? Think about pendulums and how they swing back.