“If all other things are kept constant, and you double CO2, you would get a little under one degree of warming…”

The greenhouse effect is primarily caused by water vapor and clouds, said Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide are minor constituents of the greenhouse effect. Mr. Lindzen asserted that calling climate change an existential threat comes from propaganda.

CO2 is being treated as a poison and most people believe that CO2 is dangerous, the scientist continued, but they forget that CO2 is essential. If you could get rid of 60 percent of the CO2, we’d all be dead.



Don’t you find it strange that while they seem to buy off most of the “medical” associations for the COVID DoD project, they don’t seem to have invested the necessary time or money to buy & control the climate scientists ?? Thousands of climate EXPERTS speaking out that there is NO CRISIS. Perhaps that’s why there is talk about moving on to the next great fear mongering crisis — WATER!