“The alarmist WEF King Charles claimed at COP28, “there is thirty per cent more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now” – whilst flying around in his private jet.”

Despite the so-called warnings about ‘climate change’ and ‘hottest year ever’ supported by ‘fuzzy’ climate math, world leaders, corporate elites, and Hollywood stars continue to fly around in fancy private jets. At the same time, the working poor are being told by an overreaching and corrupt government they must give up gas stoves, drive electric vehicles, and eat insect burgers.

If scamming elites actually cared about the environment and did not virtue-signal every step of the way, then private jet demand would be cratering. However, it is not.

But, of course, elites will never give up their private jets and mega-yachts because there is a two-tier society where the rules that apply to the working poor don’t apply to them.
