Today, while looking at a map of Azerbaijan and deciding where to go next, I saw a town by the name of Ganja and that was it!  Actually, fear was the primary motivation: I figured FGC would boot me out of the tent if he found out I didn’t visit Ganja 😉

After choosing a hotel, driving to it and checking in, I went to the spa for a sauna.  While getting cooked in there, I met my twin brother, although we look quite a bit different on the outside.  Twinned on the inside.  Azhar spoke just enough English that we had fun communicating.  Bottom line is he beams with joy, is happy as can be, loves life and even said “Life is beautiful!”

And…  he’s a construction engineer for AzerGold!  (   I just scanned the website and saw that one of AzerGold’s deposits is called ‘Filizchay’.  It’s one of the largest polymetallic deposits in Europe.

Of course, we talked about gold, including the current run-up in value as compared with fiat.