
Here is the Preamble …The rest of it is paywalled but too good to miss…so look in the first 4 comments

PS ..My name is Fully and I Fully Endorse the Message : May I add..WE are going to kick their Globalshit Asses . Fuck em


In the post-WWII West, nationalism has become a four-letter
word to be avoided by all “decent people,” at all costs. This is
the crux of the globalist mantra and its agenda to break down
the traditional bonds between family, friends, communities, and
This putsch towards the globalist ideal, however, is a ruse to
disguise the face of a tyrant. His tools morph with the times,
piggybacking on our curiosity and innovation to find new ways
to sell us our lives back to us at pennies on the dollar.
This putsch is failing as the chaos they need to implement their agenda breeds the
very behavior they have sought to marginalize, the sovereignty of individual choice.
This issue explores the limits of globalism as seen through the lens of a culture
immune to the mind-virus whose response to the unfolding changes on the world
stage I believe will shock the entire investing world.

The title of the Thesis is

Following Japan

here is the Nikkei Chart he refers to