Our Youth
Ski season, and the Resort is open. Race Camps provide a wealth of info for an old guy asking questions on the lifts.
There are race teams of teens from BC, ON, QC, CT, OR, WA, MT and even a few stragglers from Argentina. So a wide cross-section. Changes every few weeks. I risk my life on the busy hills to glean how our youth see things pan out.
In the comments.
I realize it’s not a scientific survey as this is a uniform cohort who travel far for their sport.
The Argentinian Coach was overwhelmingly in favour for Milei. A walking advertisement for him.
Usually when I ride with three racers there is one teen who is outspoken and the rest nod.
Climate Change Net-Zero is dead in the water for these kids. They don’t want a polluted environment but they see what is happening with decarbonization and it’s not good.
Sure I had a few who had drunk the Koolaid. I just quickly went to the next subject, our leaders.
Hahahaha, Joe Biden is a cadaver. That’s the best one. Trudeau didn’t get much better.
Trans agenda. Overwhelmingly they all accepted that people can be what they want to be.
Fair enough. This group is older so I believe they have made up their mind already as to who they are and they don’t want anymore of this shoved down their throats at school.
There is hope. I realize that if I were to ask 5 to 10 year olds I may have received a totally different response.
I’ll have lots of fun when the adult tourist arrive from Europe, Australia and New Zealand around Christmas. Most US adults are from WA and are deep in the Biden camp. Biden good, Trump bad, people. Rather pointless to ask them.
Covid is not a topic at all and I don’t ask. Mention future “Carbon Allowances” and that gets all people going. Hahhahaha! Even my Dem friends are not on board.
Thanks for posting this. I like reading what the next generation or two have on their minds.
It was pointed out to me that these teen racers are focused on their sport and are usually good students as well. Don’t and can’t waste their time on the woke agenda.
No wonder I got an overwhelmingly positive response from them. Damn! Thus, there are many that are likely very happy to go along with the DEI and participate. They live in a virtual world and I’m not seeing them. Excessive tech has them brainwashed and they are not active in sports and other activities that expose them to real life.