BY TOBY ROGERS Another excellent Substacker

…Covid vaccines have failed beyond any worst case scenario. They are far more disastrous than thalidomide, Vioxx, or diethylstilbestrol (DES) because they reach so many more people. Covid shots are the worst medical product in human history. Anyone injecting Covid shots is a criminal and anyone receiving them is engaged in self-harm.

…Imagine being a pediatrician, and:
every year giving more & more vaccine doses; and
every year seeing more & more cases of autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, life threatening allergies, cancer, diabetes, & epilepsy; and
still not making the connection. Not even being curious.

….Imagine being an ob/gyn, and:
witnessing the catastrophic failure of pediatrics and
then deciding to follow their business model anyway
because the money to be made from poisoning women and those yet to be born with ever-more vaccine doses is just too good to pass up.