It’s Sunday, that means I must be in Cyprus, so… Greetings From Cyprus!

Yesterday, I flew from Bordeaux, France to Paphos, Cyprus. From here, in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, it’s less than 250 miles to Gaza. There’s no need for me to go any closer.

Upon arrival in Cyprus, I picked up a rental car and drove to my hotel. Within the space of a week, this is the third country I’ve rented a car in. Although I sometimes drive on the left side of the road, this is the first time in quite a while for me to be where it’s the law to drive on that side of the road.

There are still heaps of photos from Morocco to process and put into galleries, but I decided to get to the photos from France first, since it was a short stay and easier to complete than three weeks’ worth of photos in Morocco. I’ll eventually get to them all, but for now it will be last things first.

Here’s a link to the photos from the bulk of my time in France, with one other French gallery soon to follow of a very special evening during those three days:

Just now, a funny thought popped into my head. Maybe you remember the Paul Masson wine commercial, done by Orson Welles, way back when alcohol could be advertised on television in the US. The Paul Masson slogan was, “We will sell no wine before its time.” The funny thing that popped into my mind was a skit done on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, one of the must-watch TV shows during the same time period Paul Masson was running that ad campaign. I’ll close with the punch line of the skit, a take-off on the Paul Masson ad. It was given by either Rowan or Martin, who was impersonating a wino laying in a gutter, with a full screw-top bottle of wine:

“It’s time!”

Timing is everything. Enjoy 😉
