This is quite an interesting perspective . You can read the whole article in the link . He shows the absolute blood bath in the stocks of Companies in the Hydrogen Fuel Space as well as ALL the Bullshit “Green” Energy Companies. These Charts are the worst seen in Market history as far as I can tell . They make PM Stocks Look GREAT by comparison !


BUT I would like to highlight the following incredible commentary and charts here :



Investors have clearly decided to leave these “opportunities” in Hydrogen and Clean Energy. That is the overwhelming conclusion.

Having considered all of this information, please read these quotes from prominent politicians and mainstream media journalists and ask yourself some pertinent questions.

The UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, recently said: “We need to move further and faster to transition to renewable energy, and I will ensure the UK is at the forefront of this global movement as a clean energy superpower.”

And here’s a quote from the UK opposition – the Labour Party’s 2024 promises to Britain:“Labour’s fourth mission in Government will be to make Britain a clean energy superpower. We will make energy cheap and secure, so that the British public never again face spiralling bills; boost jobs and investment in every region and nation of the country; and grow our economy from the bottom up and the middle out.”

Australia’s Minister for Climate Change and Energy recently explained: “Our Government is laying out the road map for our nation to become a renewable energy superpower”.

And the Australian Treasury proudly announced: “The Albanese Government’s second Budget will help to unlock Australia’s potential as a renewable energy superpower with significant investments in clean energy industries and jobs.”

In April, the Economist magazine ran a headline “America’s chance to become a clean-energy superpower”. The article went on to describe the promise of Hydrogen and Plug Power. Nuff said. Another article in October last year asked “Will India become a Green Superpower?

The Financial Times in London recently ran a similar headline “The US plan to become the world’s cleantech superpower”.

Are these people miss-informed? Misled? Deluded? Naïve? Overly optimistic? Controlled? Do they think they have super powers like Superman and Superwoman?

Are they telling lies for political gain? Or, are they completely insane?



Fossil fuels are also used to produce most electricity which is used in manufacturing products and in providing services for those 8 Billion people.

And Annual CO2 emissions keep rising in China and India – where most of the manufacturing takes plac


Over one thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks discussed climate change. Over 200 years ago, Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician proposed that the Earth’s atmosphere could (possibly) change the climate. Then, soon afterwards, Charles Fourier, another Frenchman, economist and founding father of utopian socialism warned that the Earth’s oceans would one day “become like lemonade”. And, way back in 1896, the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius became the first person to imagine that humanity could (possibly) change the climate on a global scale. The term “global warming” was born in the 1950’s and has become a commonplace theory since then, recently replaced by the term climate change.

However, this is all theory without deductive proof. Inevitably, we must deal with cold, hard economic reality. That reality may include the fact that the quest to find suitable, commercially viable, alternative energy sources (excluding nuclear power) to run the modern, comfortable world we live in may prove to be a bridge too far. Private enterprises in “renewable” energy may discover that there can be no profit at the end of that particular rainbow. Certainly, at present, they appear to be drowning in a sea of red ink and unable to raise sufficient risk capital, possibly proving that commercial viability is an impossible dream. In other words, economic viability at present living standards may be ultimately tied to fossil fuel use combined with a huge increase in nuclear power. BOOM has yet to see a solar powered jumbo jet or a battery powered blast furnace.

If commercial ventures fail, heavily indebted governments with massive budget deficits will then have to somehow fund their promises of energy transition from their empty coffers.

And the economies they are seeking to “save” may be unable to support such dreams. For without abundant energy dense fossil fuels and nuclear power, the advanced economies we enjoy will simply contract under their own weight.

That will be a hard lesson. Theory is one thing. Economic reality is another .