Last evening, feeling just like how Indiana Jones must have felt when he rounded the last clump of jungle brush and saw even more jungle brush, I was embarked on another fruitless household adventure, playing “find the hidden remote” that my children’s teenage devious, subconscious brains stowed in some unlikely spot (simultaneously causing them to experience temporary amnesia), and while searching I passed the time noodling about the “medical emergency” roundup that I don’t want to do anymore.

Suddenly and unexpectedly I got an idea, or the hint of an idea, or maybe the vague outlines of an idea. Medical emergency headlines are so obvious at this point they’ve become routine. But what if there were other clues buried in the headlines?

I decided to try out some new research topics.

I struck gold on my very first try. Behold, another new pandemic, a super-spreading explosion of new cancer centers now opening all over America, for some reason. It’s the new gold rush! And these headlines are all from within just the last 30 days, all of which I easily found in one search — meaning this isn’t even the whole list. I just stopped looking when the list got so long it started feeling overwhelming.

Anyway, here it is, a massive investment in cancer treatment:

Cancer seems like a growth market! Imagine needing a whole new cancer center just for young adults (18-39), who really aren’t supposed to get cancer to start with. I guess Joe Biden’s awesome ‘Cancer Moon Shot’ blew up on the launch pad, and now we have nothing to show for all the trillions of dollars wasted on grants for cancer research and new treatments.

It’s metastasizing.

This one was so easy that there must be other ways to evidence the jab failures. Let’s brainstorm! Besides “new cancer center,” what else could we search for that would expose the CDC’s mendacious obfuscation? Think outside the box. Besides pharma companies and cancer centers, what other stocks would we buy if we were expecting more jab injuries?